Tuesday 23 April 2013

How To Choose A T-Shirt For Women

It’s important to realize that although T-shirts can be fun and easy to wear, they are typically regarded as a dressed down option for a person’s wardrobe. To combat any type of negative connotation with a T-shirt, the wearer must make sure they are dressing and matching their t-shirts appropriately. Here are a few tips to help you decide on the right T-Shirts for you:
Women have a many different options then men when it comes to choosing a style and fit of a t-shirt. Unlike men who only have three styles, (regular, slim, and big & tall), women’s t-shirts can vary in size and cut so drastically that there aren’t precise names for each kind of style. So when choosing a t-shirt that will work for you, you must take in consideration what will look good by how it will fit and what it will reveal.
The first thing to acknowledge is that a t-shirt is always a more casual look than blouse or dress. So when considering a t-shirt, you shouldn’t have to try too hard to look extremely sexy or fancy. If you are, then you may want to consider switching outfits. T-shirts are meant to be casual with a and relaxed look. This should always be the focus when deciding to what t-shirt to wear.
That said, a women should consider a few things before purchasing a t-shirt: her body type, what features she’s confident in exposing, and what message she is hoping to send.
BODY TYPE: No matter your size, you should choose a t-shirt that compliments your body type without over-pexposing yourself. However, you must be honest and accept the body type you are. Do not think there are standards of beauty you must abide to. Find what works for you and use it to your advantage.
EXPOSE THE RIGHT STUFF: Women’s t-shirts come in such variety of cuts you can always find one that will compliment whichever area of the body you are more comfortable with while downplaying other areas. For example, if you love the look of your arms but feel less confident about your upper chest, you can find a shirt with shorter than average sleeves and a regular cut neck. If you find you legs to be the most appealing aspect of your body, you can choose a baggier shirt that accentuates your exposed legs.
THE MESSAGE YOU’RE SENDING: Unfortunately, your wardrobe is sending a message whether you like it or not. You may feel comfortable in a low cut, skin-tight t-shirt that exposes your midriff. However, you can, and most likely, will be perceived differently than a woman (or man) who wears a more conservative, basic t-shirt that downplays any body part. There is no good or bad decision, only the message you want to send.
Furthermore, no matter what style of shirt you choose, the logo and design can greatly effect the message you’re sending to others. A woman with a sports logo on her shirt will be perceived, by men and women, differently than someone with a Hello Kitty logo compared to a vintage Led Zeppelin design. Again, there are no right or wrong decisions only the message you want to send.

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